


“As a faculty fellow member I hope to gain a more formalized understanding of service-learning 以及在教师、学生和社区之间建立关系的过程 合作伙伴. 而我有组织非正式活动的经验,包括 社区 stakeholders, I'd like to see the path for establishing mutually beneficial 整合到长期运营中的项目. 具体来说,我想 从移动植物园开始. 作为花园酒店的新董事会成员, I have a unique perspective on the day-to-day operational needs of this amazing local 组织. 我对这个机会感到非常兴奋,我期待着合作 与OCE和我们所有的新同事!”




“As a USA 教师 Fellow in 社区参与, I hope to experience valuable networking with like-minded colleagues, expand my civic knowledge, and learn how to apply service-learning principles to develop meaningful educational experiences for health professions students. I hope my students, as future medical, nursing, and allied health professionals, will carry new knowledge developed through service-learning into their respective careers 并为创建更健康的社区创造持久、有影响力的变化.”




“物理治疗包括与患者合作,以改善整体健康状况 功能的移动.  学生将需要与来自不同国家的人一起工作 独特而多元的背景.  服务学习让学生与社区接触 合作伙伴,同时发展他们的专业和临床技能.  参与社区活动 而满足教育目标才能真正帮助学生变得富有同情心 医疗保健领域以患者为中心的领导者.”


Charlene Dadzie

Charlene Dadzie博士.D. 市场营销与定量方法副教授

“考虑到这一点,我作为研究员的经历将帮助我调整教学和研究 我有几个社区参与的研究项目正在计划中. 《十大玩彩信誉平台》 将提供我的教学和研究之间的协同作用,并帮助他们告知一个 另一个.  我希望能帮助我的学生们理解他们各自社区的角色 (e.g. Mobile, Alabama; the University; the Gulf Coast; the global 社区; the marketing 职业等.). 在帮助我的学生的过程中 achieve learning outcomes for my classes, I seek to provide them and the Mobile 社区 有机会进行互惠互利的社区互动.”




“作为一名历史学家,我致力于帮助学生更好地了解情况 通过历史研究让公民参与进来. 教员研究员项目将会 equip me with tools to advance these aims in new ways that will also serve the common 好. 我希望把我学到的十大玩彩信誉平台服务学习的最佳实践的知识转化出来 into well-designed experiences that will not only benefit my students but also advance 社区目标和解决社会问题. 我最期待的是收获 support and resources for identifying which 社区 needs and 组织s could 我的课程和学生对我最有利.” 




“I’m interested in adding a 社区 订婚 component to my environmental policy class. 这是我几年来一直感兴趣的但是这个教员研究员项目 gives me a great reason to prioritize course redesign over some of my other 订婚s. I would like to support students making connections, provide helpful service in our 社区, 并致力于有关社区问题的应用和学术研究.”



珍妮·曼德斯博士.D. 跨学科研究助理教授

“I have included some form of 社区参与 in my courses for many years, whether 正式或非正式.  我对参与评估的方法特别感兴趣 从我的学生和他们所服务的社区中学习.  我也有坚强 interest in learning more about the role of reflection in the student experience of 社区参与.  作为一名多年倡导残疾人权利的人士,我计划 to re-design my course, Introduction to Disability, to provide students an opportunity to engage with people with disabilities and disability-related service providers in a way that approaches disability from the perspectives of diversity, social justice, 完全的社区包容,而不是赤字.“



耶利米·亨宁博士.D. 生物学助理教授

“As a 教师 Fellow, I want to build up the skills and tools to connect the courses 我的教学和我的研究项目是在我们周围更广泛的需求中进行的 社区. 我想继续为我的学生建立真实的研究经验 that serve a greater purpose and give students a sense of connection to our 社区. Finally, I am excited to network campus-wide with other faculty members that are chasing 类似的活动.”




“通过参加美国服务学习学院研究员项目 & 社区 Engagement, we hope to effectively develop a process for key stakeholder 订婚 参与与压力性损伤发展和预防相关的研究. 这 would include engaging individuals with or at risk for developing a pressure injury, students, 临床医生和各种社区实体如长期护理,非盈利 组织s, support groups, rehabilitation settings and professional 组织s.”


Khandokar Istiak

Khandokar Istiak博士.D.经济、金融与房地产助理教授

"I hope that the USA OCE 教师们 program will help me developing service-learning outcomes for my economics courses and exploring more research ideas involving 社区 订婚. 我相信,OCE教员研究员项目的培训将会 帮助我在我的课程中引入更多基于当地社区福利的话题. 同时, the modified course will make my students well-prepared to apply their knowledge to 解决现实世界的问题,并提高他们做出重大贡献的能力 对当地社区的发展. 我很高兴能成为美国OCE的一员 教师们 program and prepared to take the challenge of being a 社区-engaged 为改善当地社区而工作的学者."




“In more than 30 years in the real estate business, primarily working on development projects regionally and throughout the United States, I have learned that for every proposed real estate development project, no matter the concept, everyone will have an opinion of where it should be, what type would be best, how it should be designed, who it should serve, and above all, that it should not be located in their own backyard. In essence, everyone's an expert and because no one really wants to be impacted in 任何消极的方式,大多数情况下,他们首先会确定自己的方式. 因此,房地产开发常常名声不佳. 然而,没有人会拥有这个家 in which they live or the store which they frequent had it not been for a developer coming up with an idea, deciding to take substantial risks, dealing with the criticism, 并克服无数的障碍来完成它.”




“我很荣幸被选为美国学院院士. 在这 exciting program that provides ample opportunities of learning and practices, I hope to solidify my understanding on service-learning and enhance my role in integrating service-learning into the engineering curriculum, teaching, and scholarship, creating 大学、学生和社会的三赢环境. 我也 hope it would be an interesting experience for me as a civil engineering faculty member 如何以明智和有效的方式促进社区参与和服务.”



维多利亚·亨贝斯特博士.D. 语言病理学助理教授

“我希望开发一个项目,让语言病理学研究生 collaborate with graduate students in education along with members of the 社区 to develop a program that supports young children’s early language and literacy skills. More specifically, I hope that this collaboration will lead to exceptional learning experiences for our students, meaningful relations with our 社区's stakeholders, 并对我们社区的孩子产生持久的积极影响.”